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Stock Raiser

In 1883 the association listed 730,000 cattle, and by 1895 its members reported 1,385,303 head. By 1893 the distribution of its membership had spread to such an extent that the name was changed to Cattle Raisers Association of Texas. The present name was adopted in 1921, when the organization merged with the only other cattlemen's group remaining in Texas, the Panhandle and Southwestern Stockman's Association, which had been founded in 1880. In 1945 membership stood at 6,000 and represented 3,500,000 cattle. Rains in the spring of 1957 brought an end to one of the Southwest's most severe and widespread droughts and resulted in a resurgence of membership, which reached a new high of 13,000. In the late 1950s the association's officers went to Florida to observe the results of screwworm eradication in the Southeast and to help set in motion a series of events that resulted in screwworm eradication in the Southwest. The program, financed in the beginning largely from voluntary contributions by the stock industry, was perhaps of more benefit to livestock producers than any other program in the twentieth century. Working through and with the Southwest Animal Health Research Foundation and government agencies, the association played a major role in the program, which brought about an end to the pest through release of millions of radioactive-sterilized screwworm flies. In 1961 the association recognized the growing importance of cattle feeding in the Southwest by establishing the cattle feeders division, and that same year the association established award programs for Four-H members and Future Farmers of America who had made distinguished records in livestock production and management. In little more than a decade the Southwest had become one of the nation's leading cattle feeding areas. In 1955 there were 227,000 cattle fed in Texas, and in 1969 there were 2 million head fed, mostly in large modern commercial feedlots utilizing tons of Texas-grown grain sorghums. Control of cattle theft continued as one of the primary objectives of the association. In 1943 the secretary of agriculture had made the association the brand-inspection agency for Texas cattle, a responsibility that significantly expanded its operations. In 1966 mechanization of the mammoth TSCRA brand records was initiated. Machines were installed that quickly transcribed and recorded brand inspection information received daily from inspectors at markets throughout Texas. Inspection records relating to missing or stolen cattle could also be retrieved speedily from the brand files. This mechanization was a great aid to association inspectors and other law enforcement officers in the detection and apprehension of cattle thieves and was regarded as one of the most significant strides in this field in many years.

stock raiser

In 1979 the association founded the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to education, research, and charitable activities to promote the cattle industry. In 2003 the field-inspector force, thirty-one strong, was one of the most important services offered by the association. As specially commissioned Texas Rangers, the inspectors combined legal authority with detective skills and cattle-industry knowledge. Inspectors helped recover more than $4.3 million worth of livestock and property in 2002. The association also actively monitored governmental affairs on both state and national levels, representing members' interests in such areas as taxation, farm legislation, immigration, and pesticide regulation. In addition, the association offered members affordable insurance. The Cattleman, a monthly magazine begun in 1914, coupled with News Update, provided the latest in industry news, trends, and association activities. In 2003 the TSCRA had 12,800 members, predominantly in Texas and Oklahoma, representing 3.6 million cattle. The membership of the TSCRA extends over several states and includes owners of herds ranging from less than a hundred up to many thousands. Association policy is determined by a board of directors headed by an executive committee and the TSCRA president. Past presidents have included such prominent Texans as John Barclay Armstrong, Richard Mifflin Kleberg, Robert Justus Kleberg, Herbert Lee Kokernot, and Dolph Briscoe, Jr. Don C. King served as secretary-general manager from 1966 until 1995, when Steve Munday assumed the position of CEO, followed by Matt Brockman in 2001. Offices of the association and of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Foundation were located at 1301 W. Seventh Street, Fort Worth, along with the Cattle Raisers Museum and the Waggoner Library, a research library for the cattle industry.

conservation and management of stocks, including: the adoption of measures; over-fishing and capacity management; effects of fishing on the marine environment; fisheries not regulated by RFMOs; and data collection and sharing;

The UN Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, called for by Agenda 21, the programme of action adopted at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development, was convened by the UN General Assembly to solve problems related to the harvesting of these stocks on the high seas. Six substantive sessions were held from 1993 to 1995, resulting in the adoption of UNFSA in August 1995. UNFSA entered into force on 11 December 2001, and currently has 57 parties. It aims to ensure the long-term conservation and sustainable use of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks, and includes general principles for the conservation and management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks and provisions on, inter alia: application of the precautionary approach; compatibility of conservation and management measures; cooperation for conservation and management; RFMOs; collection and provision of information and cooperation in scientific research; non-members of RFMOs; duties of and compliance and enforcement by flag States; international, subregional and regional cooperation in enforcement; procedures for boarding and inspection; measures taken by port States; special requirements and forms of cooperation with developing countries; and dispute settlement.

The Agreement establishes a set of rights and obligations for States to conserve and manage the two types of fish stocks as well as associated and dependent species, and to protect the marine environment. An associated Assistance Fund was established by the UN General Assembly in 2003 to assist developing country parties in UNFSA implementation.

ICSP-5: At its fifth meeting (20-24 March 2006, New York), ICSP served as a preparatory meeting for the Review Conference. In a preliminary exchange of views on the UN Secretary-Generalïs report (A/CONF.210/2006/1), participants stressed the need for: broader membership of the Agreement, in particular increased membership of key fishing States; priority action on the degradation of vulnerable marine ecosystems; the creation of new RFMOs; and the strengthening of cooperation and coordination between and among RFMOs. Non-parties expressed concern over enforcement activities in the high seas and possible abuse of the rights of flag States, while observers urged action on reporting on high seas fisheries related to discrete stocks and on prohibiting in the interim the use of destructive fishing practices on the high seas. Participants discussed recommendations for consideration by the Review Conference, in particular on draft rules of procedure on voting, composition of the bureau and of the drafting committee, the Conference outputs, and possible future action such as future review conferences and formalized meetings of parties. Discussions focused on the modalities of the participation of non-parties in the Conference and the extent to which they would be able to participate in the decision-making process. As a contact group on this matter could not reach an agreement, the Chair, Amb. David Balton (US), presented a proposal for the relevant draft rules of procedure according to which the Conference may proceed to a vote on matters of substance with parties having one vote and non-parties having the possibility to request inclusion of their views in the record of the meeting. The proposal was opposed by some non-parties but was approved by general agreement among parties. The Consultation outcomes include a provisional agenda and organization of work for the Review Conference, provisional rules of procedure, and elements for assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of the Agreement.

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Send a letter to your State Legislators HereSend a letter to Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie Here --> Resources: - More Info Here on Revenue Raising Plans for NYS We need the Senate and Assembly to return to Albany to protect essential services across our state by passing revenue raisers that will have a real and substantial impact on the crisis we face. We cannot tinker around the edges. We need proposals such as the Stock Transfer Tax that will generate significant funds that will support health care, higher education and other public services

As outdoor airgun disciplines, such as Field Target and Hunter Field Target, gain in popularity, so the spin-off mini industry for dedicated accessories continues unabated. The worth of the stock raiser or Hamster to use the silly nick name, has really come to the fore of late, and with many dedicated competition rifles featuring such add-ons as standard, their use has become ever more widespread.

Sure Shot Airguns seem to have their finger on the pulse of the sport, and now stock a wide range of accessories, all aimed at the serious competitor who wants to steal a march on their rivals. They stock full-blown match rigs that come complete with stock raisers/ palm rests, but they now also sell these devices as optional extras. 041b061a72


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